
While our web server, like most web servers on the internet, automatically logs your IP address when you visit our site, we do not, in any way, track you or identify you based on your IP address. Our Web sites use cookies to keep track of your shopping cart. This cookie is set to automatically expire when you close your browser. The information contained within the cookie is only for use by our shopping application. Our Web site uses a secure ordering system for customers to purchase products. Your customer information is not stored on our server. Your contact information is only used to send your order to you. We also use your contact information to get in touch with you when necessary. We do not sell or distribute any of your information to other parties. If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, please feel free to contact us.

All products are for research purposes only

Our products are not intended for use as diagnostics or therapeutics. They are not packaged under sterile conditions. Briar Patch Biosciences makes no claims to the product’s ability to function in the specific application the customer intends to use.  However, let us know if you do encounter any problems – we may be able to help.

The listing of any product on this website does not imply the absence of a patent covering its use, does not constitute license under any existing or pending patent, nor is it intended or implied as a recommendation for the use of such products in infringement of any patent. The responsibility for determining the existence of such patents rests solely on the user.

For technical questions or more detailed information about our products, please contact us.


We accept all major credit cards. Please be sure to use the name of the cardholder and not the name of the institution when paying online. 

We do not accept purchase orders. We have experienced fraudulent purchase orders, purchase orders with incomplete information and waiting months or longer for payment, sometimes with spurious “fees” deducted from the full amount due.

Our bank account information is sensitive information. To minimize the risk of identity theft, our bank has required that we do not provide this information to anyone who asks us for it.  There is too much fraudulent activity in the world, and scammers have become more bold and sophisticated.


Antibodies are shipped on frozen gel pack in a very small styrofoam box placed inside a small FedEx box (Size S2, 22.23×6.83×28.73 cm, 8-3/4 x 2-11/16 x 11-5/16 in). The total weight of the box is < 1 lb (< 0.5 kg). At least 20 additional antibodies and/or antigens can be put into the same FedEx box without affecting the weight or the size of the box.

IMPORTANT: Please choose overnight service or international priority for antibody shipments. If the antibodies arrive defrosted, they are fine at ambient temperatures. Please store them in the refrigerator until you can aliquot them into smaller portions.  Store the aliquots for current use in the refrigerator, and the ones for later use in the freezer.  Never subject the antibodies to repeated freeze-thaw cycles, which can destroy them. 

Antigens (Protamine P1 and P2 proteins and epitope peptides) are stable at ambient temperature and are not typically shipped on frozen gel packs. Please note that protamines are not soluble in SDS or high ionic strenght solutions.

Real time FedEx shipping rates are listed after the shipping address is entered on the checkout page. We never charge a handling fee.

We appreciate it when you can provide us with a shipping account and any required import permits and/or documents to include with your shipment to help speed things through customs. It is very difficult to know every single single rule and regulation that customs imposes for a specific country. Customs clearance varies considerably for each country. Briar Patch Biosciences LLC is not responsible for delays due to customs or additional costs that may result from duties and taxes incurred by customs.